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Information Technology Obstacles In Educational Practices


- These are as follows:

1. Uncertain or Unfavorable Copyright Law ( PLAGIARISM)

- If the students were asked to do some research study, their is a tendency that the student will no longer research on their own, but they will depend on using computer technology were information and samples of the different researches are already available. On that case, their is a certain practices of copying on the work of others. It is a illegal issue, which is not good in learning.

Under this issue are the following:

1. Educational Use Exception

2. Subsection

3. Statutory Damages and Legal Fees

4. Education and Copyright Law

5. Piracy

2. The Classroom Use Exception

- In this case, using technology in Teaching is good, but too much using of technology in teaching is another big issue. It is not good that a teacher always use this strategy in teaching, because learning of the students is a big issue if this. Having a distance education is good, but we must always consider that the best teaching method or strategy in teaching is DISCUSSION ( face-to-face interaction). The teacher will not be able to mold will its students because their is a hindrance in teaching, other strategy in teaching well no longer be apply. Its not good that the only development achieve by a learners are the intellectual and skills (ability), but what about values? which is only to be thought in teaching face-to-face. The SMART, objective is not achieve.
- Their is a tendency also that the students well not respect their teacher, because they are lack of discipline.

3. The Teaching Act

- Teaching act is also a big concern, because the different strategies and methods of teaching will no longer be recognized. PEDAGOGY of teaching (teaching styles), is very essential in teaching, because it is the only way on educating students. Other teacher, will not reach the objectives of its lesson because they will just depend on this Information Technology which is easy to access. Teaching styles is less effective compared by using different teaching styles and methods.

4. Library and Archives Exception

- Library is one of the resource center which is always available in a particular schools. Library is commonly use when a student is looking for an information or having a research. But, nowadays students use library often, why? because they prefer use computer and their searching because it is easily to be access and easy to look for information, in just a one click, the information's are already available. Therefore, their is a certain exception of library because, using library will take time unlike computer, all information's are available. By this, we will forget the importance of traditional method of looking for information which is the library. The students will always DEPENDS on using computer technology.

5. The Fair Use Doctrine

- If the educational use exceptions are excessively specific and narrow, the fair use doctrine presents exactly the opposite problem. The fair use doctrine has evolved through over a century and a half of judicial decisions as a defense to copyright liability governed by a very general set of standards. The only way to predict whether the doctrine will immunize a particular use from liability is to analogize the facts at hand to those of other cases that have come before the courts in the past.

6. Limited Grounds for Optimism

- The first ground for optimism lies in the text of the statute itself. In two separate places, singles out educational uses as deserving particular deference in the fair use calculus. First, the preamble lists educational activities such as criticism, comment, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research as illustrative examples of fair use. Then, the first factor of the more specific four-part test contrasts.

7. Negotiated Guidelines for Fair Use

- Educators (teachers) teach according to the guidelines given to them, but we need to prioritize first if, it is good to be follow. Its a matter of dependency, if you will just depend on the given guidelines for teaching which is not effective, then you are not good educator.

8. Health Issues

- Students didn't realize that too much usage of computer technology will causes illness from our body. Many cases, that a person will abuse using computer will be suffering Eye Damage, which will cause to blindness, another one is problems on health. It is proven that computer has a radiation which is typically bad for our health.

9. Lawsuit Avoidance

- Institutions sometimes require faculty and students to post digital content on password-protected websites to reduce the risk of copyright infringement litigation. Moreover, the copyright policies of individual educational institutions often indicate that the preferred practice is to limit access to distance-learning works and electronic reserves (e.g., course-related content posted to the Internet) to students enrolled in the class, and only for the duration of the class term. This type of walled garden may become more common as instructors adopt digital teaching tools and further integrate digital media into their teaching.

10. Educator Interest in Protecting Intellectual Property

- Educational institutions and their faculty members sometimes use DRM systems to protect the content they generate. Educational institutions invest heavily in the infrastructure necessary for the creation and distribution of digital content. Accordingly, they have an interest in how that content is shared. Faculty content creators also have an interest in maintaining the integrity of their work, enjoying credit for it, and sometimes receiving remuneration. Thus, academics,self-interest limits their adoption of open access and related models for distributing content unencumbered by copyright restrictions. These impulses are also likely to lead academic content creators to restrict access to their works with the same types of DRM systems as other rights holders use.


IT changes every lifestyle of individual, it affects everything from social communication, including education. We can't deny the fact that IT is also helpful for us people to make our life easy. But, we should remember that their are also harmful things if we will risk our selves dealing this IT. The only thing i can suggest is, first we should remember that our life is not role by IT, we should always remember that if we will just use our intellect we don't need to look for information in computer. We should always remember that we can do more better if we will just trust our own self, in order for the sake of good.


http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/media/files/copyrightandeducation.html#part2 http://www.ask.com/web?q=+information+technology+obstacles+in+educational+practices&search=&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir



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