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"My Suggested Entries"

Suggestions and Observations:

Goal 1: Pursue Excellence in Instruction

Since the first goal talks about a plan for a program or new courses. I don't disagree about the programs offered but if the university will successfully offer and open this courses, the university must provide proper facilities for teaching and learning process that will bring the students into a highly competitive locally or globally. The university also must provide standardized curriculum and competitive facilitators. It includes advance I CT's since the newly offered courses involves technology.

Goal 2: Pursue Excellence in Research.

Research may be done anywhere, but for a university pursuing for excellence in research, the university must provide a place for the researchers, including facilities and same as what happen to us which is lack of support from the teachers. A research study will never be successful if the teacher will never guide his students work. The teacher should recognize the work of his students. Attaining or pursuing to be excellence in the field of research starts with the collaboration and partnership of the faculties and the students.

Goal 3: Pursue Excellence in Extension.

It's good that for every university, there is an extension. But, as what I have noticed the extension of this university is not totally recognized by the government and including the community of the school. Pursuing excellence in extension requires many things, including money, competitive teachers and recognition from the government. The extension of this university is not totally recognized because they are lack of participation which is very essential to develop good practices with in inside or outside of the campus.

Goal 4:
Establish the Center of Energy and Environment.

Through researcher extension and development, establishing the center of energy and environment is possible. But, the university should secure many things, such as money which is one of the basic factor of achieving a good research. Time consideration, it is very important to include time in developing a research because this measures the management of time on how you will do your research with in a limited period. Planning is also included because if you will plan your research it will result into a good outputs. We should also include the person who will do the research, the students and the teachers, we should provide support from them from morally and financially.

Goal 5: Promote Student Affairs, Welfare and Success.

Student is the most important stakeholders in a school. Teachers are nothing with out the students. The students should be recognized their importance towards the school, in order for them to develop physically, mentally, and intellectually. But, regarding with the granting of scholarships which this goals emphasize that only those deserving students, obviously the school are basing those students who are intelligent but what about the others who wants to avail the scholarship but can't avail because they lack of intellectual capacity, it's very unfair for them. I was also disappointed because every time a student joins an outside competition and fortunately win in the competition the school sometimes didn't recognized it's achievement.

Goal 6: Maximize Library and other Resource Support to the
Teaching, Learning, and Research Environment.

Sometimes, accessing in the library for information takes time. Because some of the books are not available with in the school library. There is only few books from the library and other sources of information which only can be found on the book is no longer available. Regarding with the E-library access, the computers are limited for students, what about the other students that really needs to use computer, they are not accommodated sometimes because a lot of students are also waiting to use limited computers. They are also times that you will feel really feel disappointed of using the computers because some of the computer parts are damage, and other important websites is being block.

Goal 7: Implement Massive Infrastructure

Laboratory is very important in a school, because this is the foundation of every activity and research development of a school. It's good that there are a lot of proposals of buildings, which includes the university gym, university cafeteria, education building, technology buildings, and dormitories. If ever this will be successfully constructed probably the students will really enjoy the school environment and as a result of this, the school successfully provided school environment and new facilities which the students should utilize. Also, the cafeteria should really be renovated because the cafeteria which is existing till now is too small which other students sometimes cannot be accommodated.

Goal 8: Implement Massive Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Development.

ICT is very important nowadays, because it has a big help in teaching and learning processes. ICT should be develop in our university because unlike other universities we are too much behind from them. ICT provides new methods and strategies in teaching and learning process. This I CT's serves as a bridge for a better learning and for more advance way of learning. Although our school is behind from the I CT's but at least our school is trying cope up with the schools.

Goal 9: Pursue Outstanding Human and Organizational

Student and faculty organizations is very important. Because this organization serves as the communication process between the teachers and the students. As a result of this, it will led into a strong relationship between learners and teachers. Our university has different kinds of organization including education department. I was just disappointed because some of the elected officer in an organization are not doing their responsibilities, if you will engage on entering in organization you should be responsible and you will not use the organization for your own self, because the organization will be strong only if you will be responsible as a good leader.

Goal 10: Ensure more Efficient and Effective Resource
Management and Generation.

Planning and budgeting is important when it talks about generating a project. The university should provide transparency, so that the students and other stakeholders of the school will know of what happen to the payments they pay in order to avoid conflict and it is also a way of informing and awareness for the students.

Mindanao University and Science of Technology Goals

Goal 1: Pursue Excellence in Instruction.

Sub-Goal A. Aim for Program COD/COE

1. COE in Mathematics

2. COD in Electrical Engineering

3. COD in Information Technology

4. COD in Mechanical Engineering

5. COD in Civil Engineering

Sub-Goal B. Offer New and Innovative

1. BS in Computer Science

2. BS in Fine Arts

3. Master of Engineering in
Mechanical Engineering

4. Master of Engineering in Civil

5. Master of Science in Chemistry

Sub-Goal C. Continuously Improve Programs through Quality Assurance.

1. Improve/Enhance program offerings through AACCUP accreditation.

2. Attain AACCUP institutional accreditation.

3. Attain Category A -Research in CHED IQUAME Evaluation.

4. Sustain SUC Level IV status of the University.

Sub-Goal D. Widen Access to Higher Education through Non-Traditional Modes of


1. Promote and implement CHED’s deputized programs of Expanded
Tertiary Education Equivalency and
Accreditation Program (ETEEAP).

Goal 2: Pursue Excellence in Research.

1. Create an organizational climate conducive
to research productivity and address the
research priority areas of the six centers:
Engineering and Architecture, Technology,
Advance Science, Mathematics, Marine
Biomodelling and Mariculture, and Policy
Studies, Education and Socio-Economics.

2. Enhance the visibility of MUST in the
national and international research arena.

3. Enhance access to research grants from
external sources (international, national, or
regional research funds).

4. Ensure intellectual property rights registration and licensing agreements
for transfer of technologies.

5. Aim for distinctive research awards

Goal 3: Pursue Excellence in Extension.

1. Develop capability and organizational culture for more productive
extension activities.

2. Utilize research outputs and package technologies.

3. Build up community outreach through community and campus-based
extension projects.

4. Provide consultancy services and expand networks.

5. Aim for distinctive extension awards and implement reward system.

Goal 4: Establish the Center of Energy and Environment.

1. Create a research think-tank that will address policy and technical issues
related to energy and environment.

2. Become the leading National Research Institute in the fields of energy
and environment.

3. Commercialize sustainable technologies on energy and environment.

Goal 5: Promote Student Affairs, Welfare and Success.

1. Attract quality entrants to the University.

2. Promote the students’ wholesome and holistic development.

3. Continuously improve student performance in the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) proficiency exams.

4. Promote the students’ cultural awareness and appreciation of skills in the

5. Strengthen the reward system for student achievements.

6. Provide more scholarship grants to deserving students.

Goal 6: Maximize Library and other Resource Support to the
Teaching, Learning, and Research Environment.

1. Upgrade library resources to University standards.

2. Develop and sustain the E-Library.

3. Restructure the library organization and facilities.

4. Produce instructional materials
and manuals.

5. Sustain efforts in resource sharing
and networking activities with
other organizations/institutions.

Goal 7: Implement Massive Infrastructure

Sub-Goal A. Construct New Buildings.

1. ICT Road and Powerhouse Science Complex

2. University Dormitory

3. University Student Center

4. University Cafeteria

5. Engineering Building

6. Technology Building

7. Education Building

8. University Library

Sub-Goal B. Renovate Old Buildings.

1. University Gymnasium

2. Old Administration Building

Sub-Goal C. Establish State-of-the-Art Laboratories.

1. Establish and Equip Laboratories for COD/
COE Programs.

a. Electrical Engineering Laboratory

b. Information Technology Laboratory

d. Civil Engineering Laboratory
2. Establish and equip laboratories to sustain the existing programs.

Goal 8: Implement Massive Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Development.

1. Fully automate management information systems.

2. Upgrade MIS infrastructure (hardware/network capability).

3. Enhance computing facilities in the main and external campuses.

4. Develop technology-enhanced teaching and learning environment.

Goal 9: Pursue Outstanding Human and Organizational

Sub-Goal A. Enhance Human Resources

1. Recruit, retain and develop outstanding
faculty and staff.

2. Promote the health and well-being of the
MUST community .

3. Enhance recognition system for excellent

4. Improve HR processes, systems and infrastructure to provide high levels
of efficiency, quality and cost-effectiveness.

Sub-Goal B. Ensure Quality in Administration and General Service Delivery.

1. Revise the existing University Code.

2. Implement innovative administrative systems.

3. Maintain excellent physical ambiance of the campus.

Sub-Goal C. Build Institutional Strength and Reputation.

1. Pursue institutional development planning.

2. Create and maintain an organizational culture that supports the vision,
mission, and values of the University.

3. Establish the institutional knowledge and data base system.

4. Ensure smooth flow of University news for internal and external

5. Foster good media and public relations.

6. Coordinate the University image building and branding.

Goal 10: Ensure more Efficient and Effective Resource
Management and Generation.

1. Manage budget efficiently and effectively to finance the University’s
various programs and projects.

2. Maximize income potentials of income-generating projects.






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